In the Western Cape, more than 300 children have been victims of gunshots. Areas that have been flagged are Hanover Park, Manenberg, Eerste River, Mitchells Plain, Khayelitsha, and Nyanga, reports the Daily Voice. The Western Cape provincial health department says that it recorded 58 gun-related deaths among children between January and June 2024. Gun Free SA (GFSA) spokesperson, Claire Taylor, says that while the Western Cape Department of Health notes the burden of gun violence on health services, they also need to recognise the huge cost of gun violence on families and communities, which is even more extreme when children are hurt or killed.
Zeenat Isaacs took home three awards this past weekend for the work she does in lower-income communities in Cape Town. The Mitchells Plain resident. Isaacs was awarded a Civic Honors Award by the City of Cape Town at the SubCouncil 17 Civic Awards in Lentegeur. She then took first place at the DearSA Young Leaders Awards 2024 in the categories of sport, culture, and environment and is the recipient of the 2024 Global Recognition Award. She was also awarded a Certificate of Recognition from Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis through her SM-ART program. She says that she feels like everything is surreal and a dream. It is heartwarming; she feels amazing. She says that it was a lot to take in because she never does anything for recognition; she just wants to do good. She never expected any reward; the reward comes from God and she sees it every day in her life

According to Agence France Presse (AFP), 550 people died on the islamic annual pilgrimage due to extreme heat. Three hundred and twenty-three were Egyptians, and most passed away due to heat-related illness. The pilgrimage began on Friday and Saudi state TV says that temperatures rose to 51.8 degrees Celsius. TIME reports that, in terms of global warming, environmentalists say Saudi Aramco generated more than 4% of global greenhouse gases since 1965. After years of lucrative oil production, the Saudis’ oil company is in the middle of a global crisis. Most countries are cutting their use of fossil fuels. Saudi Arabia has to decide if their oil dominance will continue or if they will join the world in protecting the planet.
Picture: Gyn Free South Africa, Smart Programme - Facebook, sustg.com